R3E: Swiftwater & Flood Rescue Technician DEFRA MOD 3
Water Rescue
COST: £540.00 (£450 + VAT)
Split weekend Course: 31st Aug - 1st Sept & 7th Sept - 8th Sept 2024 discounted price (£480)
The Swiftwater and Flood Rescue Technician course complies with Defra Module 3 content requirements, and for many years has been seen as the benchmark training course for swiftwater and flood rescue teams. This training course is intended for personnel who may be required to carry out rescues in a swiftwater and flood environment, including emergency services personnel and mountain rescue teams. It isalso a recognised qualification in the world of international raft and kayak guiding.
Course length:
4 days
- Course content includes:
- Hydrology
- Introduction to technical rescue equipment
- Hazard identification & risk assessment
- Introduction to rope systems
- Swimming in moving water
- Medical considerations
- Basic boat-handling skills
- Scene management
- Contact and in-water rescues
- Basic incident command
- Crossing techniques
- Search Operations
- Flat water boat handling
Must be a confident swimmer
Minimum age: 18
Qualification valid for:
3 years
4 Days